Kids and cancer dont belong together

We at Micropol have a yearly tradition around Christmas to donate to charity. For the fourth year in a row we have voted to donate to the Swedish organisation Childhood Cancer Fund.

Kids and cancer dont belong together

The Childhood Cancer Fund are the single largest financier of childhood cancer research in Sweden, and also provide financial support to the development of new treatment methods and continuing education in the field of childhood cancer.

Last year 2022 they collected 423 million Swedish kronor (39 million US Dollars or 36 million Euros), which contributed to the research, support for the familys affected and the work informing others about childhood cancer. 

We at Micropol want to help keep the cancer away from children and therefore we support the Childhood Cancer Fund this Christmas 2023. We also want to encourage other companies to contribute to the Childhood Cancer Fund so that more children can survive this disease.

Read more about the Childhood Cancer Fund

Wohlverdiente Sommerpause!

05 Juli 2024

Micropol freut sich, Ihnen mitzuteilen, dass wir während der Kalenderwochen 29 und 30, vom 15. Juli bis zum 28. Juli 2024, unseren Sommerurlaub einlegen werden. In dieser Zeit wird unser Betrieb mit verringerter Kapazität laufen, da unser Team eine wohlverdiente Pause einlegt. Wir danken Ihnen für Ihr Verständnis und Ihre Geduld!

World Class Air Defence

25 Januar 2024

Micropol Fiberoptic und Diehl Defence bündeln ihre Kräfte für zukunftsweisende Zusammenarbeit.