Halmstad City Network

Customer reference - Halmstad City Network

Future-proved network

A stable fiber connection that can stand the demands of tomorrow is an important part of a secure infrastructure. Fiber optics are an equal part of society as roads, clean water, and sewage.

Halmstad City Network has come a long way in securing a future where great advantages are given to the residents’ homes, public sectors, and companies within digital services. Or as the municipal-owned company itself says: “We enable an interactive meeting place that is characterized by independence, freedom of choice and boundlessness”.

When we upgrade our network, we use Micropol’s products. I know their products have a long life expectancy and can handle high speeds. Their service level is always good and lead times are extremely short.
Jimmy Ekelund, Network Planner at Halmstad City Network

One of the things Halmstad City Network has appreciated in Micropol’s offering is prefabricated ODF boxes, where the fiber is well protected. All fibers are polished to exact geometry and tested individually before delivery, which saves time during installation as no filed quality control is needed. Our ODF boxes contain non-spliced fiber, offering an insertion loss of 0,2dB. Back reflection of UPC connectors are >-55dB and APC connectors >-65dB.