
Here we have gathered all the documentation so you can easily find information about our products in passive fiber optics.

We also customize fiberoptic solutions to your wishes.
Do not hesitate to contact us!

Don´t find what you looking for? We are here to help you find your solution!

Product catalogue Harsh environments EN
Product catalogue Harsh environments EN
Glasfaser für raue Umgebungen DE v1.0
Glasfaser für raue Umgebungen DE v1.0
Product catalogue Networks SE
Product catalogue Networks SE
Product catalogue Networks EN
Product catalogue Networks EN
 Product catalogue Networks DE
Product catalogue Networks DE
RoHS and Reach Certificat
RoHS and Reach Certificat
AAA Diploma (only in Swedish)
AAA Diploma (only in Swedish)
Certificate of Compliance
Certificate of Compliance
Certificate of Registration ISO 9001
Certificate of Registration ISO 9001
Certificate Robust fiber (only in Swedish)
Certificate Robust fiber (only in Swedish)
Skanova typgodkännande (only in Swedish)
Skanova typgodkännande (only in Swedish)
Certificate of Conformity
Certificate of Conformity
Test of fiber connectors LC-UPC, G657,2011
Test of fiber connectors LC-UPC, G657,2011
Test of fiber connectors LC-UPC, G652, 2011
Test of fiber connectors LC-UPC, G652, 2011
Test of fiber connectors SC-UPC, G567, 2011
Test of fiber connectors SC-UPC, G567, 2011
Test of Optical Connectors with reference to 1056A160 SC-UPC, G652, 2015
Test of Optical Connectors with reference to 1056A160 SC-UPC, G652, 2015
Whitepaper Falcon 40GB
Whitepaper Falcon 40GB
Whitepaper Expanded Beam next generation
Whitepaper Expanded Beam next generation
Detection of abnormal activities on SM or MM fiber.
Detection of abnormal activities on SM or MM fiber.
Whitepaper Fiber Optic Cable EN
Whitepaper Fiber Optic Cable EN

Problem finding your solution?

If you're navigating the complex landscape of fiber optic technology and finding yourself in need of guidance or simply want to delve deeper into the intricacies of this fascinating realm, we're here to assist you every step of the way.

Whether you're seeking solutions for your specific needs or aiming to broaden your understanding of fiber optic applications, our team of experts is ready to provide the support and information you require. Don't hesitate to reach out to us with your queries, concerns, or curiosity. We're dedicated to ensuring that you unlock the full potential of fiber optic technology.

Contact us today to embark on a journey through the limitless possibilities of fiber optics. Let's explore together and discover how our solutions can empower you in achieving your goals.